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번호 서명 출판년도 등록번호 청구기호
리빙디자인학-57 Methode de dessin figurine de mode 2006 000000378167 591.02223 라51ㅁ c.2
리빙디자인학-58 Methode de dessin figurine de mode 2006 000000378168 591.02223 라51ㅁ c.3
건설환경공학-246 MicroStation V8 :an introduction to computer-aided design c2002. WM0000046066 620 A545M
간호학-274 Maternity, newborn,and women`s health nursing :comprehensive care across the lifespan 2008. WM0000044251 618.20231 O76M
스마트팜생명과학-213 Molecular Biology c2002. WM0000038488 572.8 W363M 2002
미디어영상광고학-178 Media spectacle and the crisis of democracy :terrorism, war, and election battles c2005. WM0000042725 302.2309 K29m
미디어영상광고학-179 Media spectacle 2003. WM0000042731 302.2309 K29s
미디어영상광고학-181 Mobile communication+B183:D207B184BB183:E215 2009. WM0000045093 303.4833 L755m
전기전자공학-129 MultiSIM을 이용한 회로 시뮬레이션 2004. 000000327985 569.3 조77ㅁ
전기전자공학-130 MultiSIM을 이용한 회로 시뮬레이션 2004. 000000428838 569.3 조77ㅁ c.3
전기전자공학-164 Magnetic information storage technology c1999. WM0000037601 621.397 W246m
호텔항공관광경영학-79 MICE 산업론 =MICE industry 2017 000000527409 326.39 이67ㅁ
호텔항공관광경영학-80 MICE 산업론 =MICE industry 2017 000000527410 326.39 이67ㅁ c.2
호텔항공관광경영학-86 MICE산업과 국제회의 2012 000000536707 326.39 이95ㅁ
제약바이오전공-85 Martin's physical pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences :physical chemical and biopharmaceutical principles in the pharmaceutical sciences c2011. WM0000044713 615.19 M379M
시각영상디자인학-212 Mail order graphics:catalog+web =通販カタログ+WEBグラッフィックス 2002. 000000343609 658 K37M
시각영상디자인학-255 Management by design :applying design principles to the work experience c2011. WM0000045435 658.4 R225M

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