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번호 서명 출판년도 등록번호 청구기호
건설환경공학-253 Bioseparations science and engineering c2003. WM0000045091 660.6 H321B
임상병리학-2 BioMedical research :Lab 2006 000000536795 472.88 유67ㅂ
전기전자공학-155 Beowulf Cluster Computing with Windows c2002. WM0000039662 004.36 S838b
전기전자공학-160 Bioelectricity and biomagnetism c1998. WM0000043326 571.47 G973B
전기전자공학-161 Bioelectromagnetism :principles and applications of bioelectric and biomagnetic fields 1995. WM0000043305 612.01442 M256B
전기전자공학-165 Biological and biomedical nanotechnology c2006. WM0000043312 660.6 L477B

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