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번호 서명 출판년도 등록번호 청구기호
한의예(학)-89 Traditional acupuncture :the law of the five elements c1994. WM0000047073 615.892 C752t
물리치료학과-28 Teaching Pilates for postural faults, illness and injury :a practical guide 2009. WM0000046953 613.71 P296t
물리치료학과-29 Therapeutic exercise :moving toward function [2018] WM0000046958 615.82 B864t
물리치료학과-30 Therapeutic exercise :foundations and techniques [2018]. WM0000046963 615.82 K61t 2018
물리치료학과-32 The science of climbing and mountaineering [2017] WM0000046952 796.522 S459t
컴퓨터공학과-20 TCP/IP 소켓 프로그래밍 2005. 000000358800 004.52 백811ㅌ c.3
컴퓨터공학과-287 TCP/IP 소켓 프로그래밍(C Version) 2001. 000000226363 566.57 D674P
컴퓨터공학과-288 TCP/IP 소켓 프로그래밍(C Version) 2001. 000000226364 566.57 D674P c.2
시각영상디자인학과-217 Travel & leisure graphics 2002. 000000343605 658 N194T v.2

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